Friday, March 13, 2015

What The What?!: Pastor Creflo Dollar Rally's For Congregation To Buy Him A $65 Million Private Jet!


"Take you to another level no passengers on my plaaane!" - Beyoncé

First class and coach seem to be a thing of the past these days -- at least according to popular pastor Creflo Dollar!

The famous televangelist recently made headlines after word broke of his most recent "higher" mission to save souls for the kingdom, by launching a campaign for his followers to buy him a brand spankin' new $65 million Gulfstream G650 jet!

And just why would the founder of World Changers Church International (who already has PLENTY of money) want his congregation to gift him with something as extravagant as a G6?

According to Creflo's website, it's because the engine to his current private jet has burnt out, leaving him in desperate need of a new plane to award him the opportunity to preach the gospel around the world (because flying coach and/or first class simply won't do).

"The ministry's current airplane, was built in 1984, purchased by the ministry in 1999 and has since logged 4 million miles. Recently on an overseas trip to a global conference, one of the engines failed...Due to the recent incident coupled with 31 years the airplane has been in service, we believe it is time to replace this aircraft so that our Pastors and staff can continue to safely and swiftly share the Good News of the Gospel worldwide."

The appeal goes on to say, "We are believing for 200,000 people to give contributions of 300 US dollars or more to turn this dream into a reality, and allow us to retire the aircraft that served us well for many years."

Aside from the website's appeal for Creflo's congregation to help pay for a new private plane, requests have also been made for the church members to partially foot the bill on the cost of fuel too. *passes out here*

The particular aircraft C.D. desires is reportedly one of a kind with only 100 being made since November 2014, and also has a waiting list full of billionaires ready to get their hands on one.

I tell you what A-Listers, myself being a follower of the gospel, believes WHOLE HEARTEDLY, that one should sow (as in pay) into the ministry (1 Cor 9:14 "In the same way the Lord ordered that those who preach the Good News should be supported by those who benefit from it.)

BUT I also have to admit that rallying for your congregation to help you pay for AND keep up a $65 million dollar plane seems a tad bit overwhelming to me.

I mean, did the treasurer tally up the cost of how many plane tickets Cref. and team would use over the course of their ministry, and decide that going the private jet route would be cheaper or what?!

Nevertheless, God bless (no pun intended) THAT congregation...

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