Thursday, December 26, 2013

Miley Cyrus Gets Provocative (Again) In New Video 'Adore You'


*Sings melody of '12 days of Christmas'* "On the day after Christmas my Miley gave to me, another naked video in a Pear tree!"...and the sexed up saga continues.

Today Miley fans got to officially see the release for her new video and single 'Adore You' that prematurely leaked on Christmas day. The 'Wrecking Ball' singer took to twitter to express her disgust with the videos leak by tweeting, "We all know Smilers would break another record if it wasn't for the f**k face who leaked my video. Alllllll good! Keep smiling."

In the video the seductress songstress is seen scantily dressed in sheer nude bra and panties while rolling around under a sheet. In one shot you even witness the 'We Can't Stop' singer insinuating touching her lady parts (YUCK Oh my!)

Smilers and A-Listers can check out the video below.

I don't know...I love Miley's music, but I'm kind of yearning for something new at this point. The constant "I'm expressing my sexuality by nakedness" is getting pretty redundant. I guess it's her provactive, I meant her prerogative but geesh! Switch it up a little...give me anything other than cakes out every doggone time! Thank ya kindly... - "A"

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! Great song, but I was hoping that she would depict a classier Miley for the music video this time around. I think we've seen enough of her tongue and nakedness. I guess she wasn't worried about winning over her conservative fans (I'm pretty they don't exist). But I'm still a fan of her music!
