Saturday, July 12, 2014

DK3: Danity Kane Performs At Universal CityWalk (Video Inside)

Danity Kane

And then there were three..

It was all about flesh colored dominatrix cat suits and thigh high boots at 5 Towers Universal CityWalk Thursday night, as Danity Kane gave their fans a first look at how they get down in 3's since the departure of DK band member, Aundre Fimbres.

Dawn Richard, Aubrey O’Day, and Shannon Bex gifted fans with a free concert, and served doses of triple hotness performing hits like "Show Stopper" and "Ride For You." The trio also gave haters something to sip on with their latest single, "Lemonade" and "All In A Days Work."

You'll recall last month, Aundre Fimbres was the second member to part ways from the group to focus on her family life.

Peep some of the performances below.

All In A days Work:


So what did ya think? Hotness or not-ness...

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