Thursday, July 17, 2014

ESPYS Recap: Drake Addresses Chris Brown Beef, Skylar Diggins Crush And More (Video Inside)

Drake ESPYs Host - P 2014

Started from Degrassi now we here!...

 After showing off his comedic skills, and the ability to poke fun at himself and others on SNL earlier this year, Drake decided to take his talents to a different arena by hosting the 2014 ESPY Awards!

Wednesday night, the rapper turned host-est with the most-est proved to be on his worst behavior (in the most humorous way possible of course), as he performed skits and monologues that had him taking shots at some of the biggest headlines in sports this year, mocking his "I love Rihanna more" beef with singer Chris Brown, and also getting publicly "friend zoned" by gorgeous WNBA baller Skylar Diggins.

Check out some of Drizzy's best ESPY moments below.

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Drake vs. Blake...or Blake vs. Drake skit: Drake and NBA star Blake Griffin channel their inner Eddie Murphy as they competitively go at it with stunts and pranks after not being able agree on a movie title for a film they're set to costar in. Towards the end, Chris Brown makes a cameo as a Doctor making it known that he's definitely pro Blake, and anti Drake.

''Honorable Mentions'' and ''Sidepieces'': Drizzy debuted a couple of new tracks including ''Honorable Mentions'' which promotes the idea that it ain't so bad being number two. He also let it be known that he's still feelin' some type of way about Macklemore sweeping the rap categories at this year's Grammy's (Get over it). For his song ''Side Pieces'' he embarrasses the heck out of any chick knowingly accepting her place as a home wrecker, and brought RnB singer Brian McKnight to close the song towards the end.

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Drake's "Can I Dig In" monologue: Drake professes his love to Skylar Diggins in a poem he wrote titled "Can I Dig In?" leaving the WNBA hottie no choice but to put him in the "friend zone." Hopefully this will dead the Aubrey Graham loves Skylar saga once and for all.

Drake impersonates boxer Manny Pacquiao: Probably the best impersonation of the night, Drake gives off the greatest impression of the Filipino boxer singing  Frozen's hit "Let It Go." This was above all ab making and tear worthy laughter here.

The Lance Cam: Drake recreates the infamous NBA eastern conference finals moment when Lance Stephenson awkwardly blows into LeBron's ear during the game. Funny funny funny!

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