Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Beyonce Releases "Self-Titled" Mini Series To Fans (See Video Inside!)

Beyoncé told us that she wanted to communicate directly to her fans, and that's exactly what she's doing!

Since the release of her self titled visual album the beyhive has been treated to all kinds of behind-the-scenes goodies from the Queen herself. In mini videos released through her Facebook page, Beyoncé shares her thought process on making the album, and the message she wants the fans to receive.

"My message behind this album was finding the beauty in imperfection."

She later went on to vent about what's most important in her life.

"I have a lot of awards and I have a lot of these things and they're amazing and I've worked my @ss off. I worked harder than probably everybody I know to get those things. But nothing feels like my child saying mommy. No, nothing feels like when I look at my husband in the eyes. Nothing feels like when I'm respected when I get on the stage and I see I'm changing peoples' lives. Those are the things that matter. And at this point in my life that's what I'm striving for. Growth. Love. Happiness. Fun...Enjoy your life, it's short. That's the message."

Touché Beyoncé! Touché! Check out Part 2 of her "Self-titled" mini series below called 'Imperfection'.

I don't know about ya'll, but I'm already ready for that Part 3! (Looks at the clock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)

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