Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Danity Kane New Music: "All In A Days Work" (See Video Inside!)

Well, well, well...looky what we have here! It seems as though the bad girls of Danity Kane picked up right where they left off...with hotness!

The ladies performed this past Monday at the House Of Blues before a sold out crowd; belting out tunes that all of us have missed. The 'Showstoppers' went down memory lane performing hits like "Run It," "Poetry," and "Show Stopper." The Making The Band Alums also showcased individual talents with Aubrey covering Madonna's "Like A Virgin," and Dawn covering Prince's "I Would Die For You."

But the treat of the night was the debut of their latest song "All In A Days Work." Before performing Aubrey introduced the new track saying, "This song is called 'All In A Days Work,' and it's about b#tches that make it look easy."

Well alright! Make it look easy then! Check out the video below.

Side note: Can I just put out there that I love all the girls and they all put in that werk, but...DAWN IS KILLING IT IN THIS VIDEO. Her dance style is AMAZING! Ok A-Listers, enjoy ;)

Danity Kane's album is expected to release in 2014.

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