Monday, December 23, 2013

Chris Brown Freed From The Clink To Give Out Toys!


In the words of Nettie from 'The Color of Purple,' "Nothing but death can keep me from it!" And it was likewise for R&B crooner Chris Brown in regards to his toy drive!

Sunday, Chris Brown was released from his stint in rehab for a couple of hours to help pass out gifts to kids at his charity toy drive. The 24-year-old singer also had friends there to help spread the Christmas cheer including rapper Tyga and comedian Kevin Hart.

Brown is currently in a 90-day anger management program, but was released to host his Christmas Toy Drive, co-hosted by Brooklyn Projects and Black Pyramid.

It's good to see that Chris is still able to give back considering his current circumstances. Check out more pics from the toy drive below.

chris brown-temporarily released from rehab-la christmas toy drive-3-the jasmine brand

chris brown-temporarily released from rehab-la christmas toy drive-i-the jasmine brand

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