Monday, December 30, 2013

Kris Jenner to Khloe Kardashian: You Need a Nose Job!

Moving forward never looked so good...
After the agonizing year Khloe Kardashian has had dealing with the public split from ex-hubby Lamar Odom, and backlash over her body, the 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star admits that the year coming to an end is exactly what the doctor ordered.
In the February 2014 issue of Britain's Cosmopolitan magazine the starlet sat down to discuss everything from new beginnings, to vaginas (yes...vaginas!), weight loss, and her mom's mention of the reality star needing a nose job!
Check out excerpts from the interview below.
Khloe's feelings on fresh starts and no regrets:
"I love the new year, new beginnings. I need a good fresh start; I’m excited for this year to be over with… You only live once so let’s make that one time perfect...I don't regret anything about my life. My life has made me who I am at this moment and I'm very happy with who I am."
On Khloe's recent weight loss achievements:
"In the past year I think I’ve lost around 30lbs, and I’m feeling good…I’ve worked very hard on my body so I think now I can sex it up a little! My 2014 mission is to wear a crop top with jeans. I’ve never done that so it has to happen one day."
Khloe on her mom and make up artists suggesting a nose job:
"Words are the most powerful weapon; they can leave scars forever. She didn’t mean harm, but when I was around nine I overheard my mum telling her friend I needed a nose job. I was shocked; I hadn’t even thought about it. I’ve grown into my face but I’ve had makeup artists tell me, ‘You should get a nose job.’ I’m so happy that I never have…"

Khloe's take on speaking openly about her "camel toe:"

“I never take myself seriously. When I joke about my camel toe or my big vagina on TV, I don't realize how many people are watching!...Then I go out and someone will say, ‘Oh, my god I have a big vagina too!’ I’m like, ‘WHAT?’...But I love to be silly and make people laugh. It’s a compliment, and liberating to think my sisters and I might make other women feel OK about talking about this stuff too.”

It's good to see Khloe rising and doing it ever so flawlessly despite everything she went through this year.

Check out gorgeous pics from the photo spread below.

Werk that face honey!:

Khloe Kardashian, Cosmopolitan,  *EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01 (GMT) 30TH DECEMBER 2013*
I don't think she'll have any trouble hitching a ride:
  Khloe Kardashian, Cosmopolitan,  *EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01 (GMT) 30TH DECEMBER 2013*
A nose job? Really?! I think not:

The new season of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' airs January 2014. 

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