Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kim Kardashian Posts Instagram Tribute Pic of her “Idol” Elizabeth Taylor

Good googley moogley!! With all the light blinding my eyes from the 2 fat rocks shown in the above pic, I can barely see what’s happening! Reality star Kim Kardashian posted an Instagram selfie earlier today paying homage to her idol, the late Elizabeth Taylor.
The future Mrs. West gave her instagram followers a sultry eye gazing pose with her hair wrapped in a towel. All while putting in full view, THE ICE GLACIER that we humans here call an engagement ring.

Kardashian is known for being a huge fan of Taylor’s, and had the opportunity to interview her for Harper’s Bazaar in February of 2011.

In one highlight from the interview Kim asked her idol what her favorite jewelry piece was from her iconic collection; Elizabeth shared that it was her 33.19 carats Krupp diamond.

“The Krupp is an extraordinary stone. It has such life and brilliance when light shines through it. Size does matter, but so does the size of the emotion behind it.”

In December of 2011 it was reported that Kim bought 3 Lorraine Schwartz jade and diamond bracelets from Elizabeth Taylor's jewelry auction; The bracelets were $64,000. 

Well A-Listers, you know what they say...diamonds are a girl’s best friend.
Take a peep below of more Kim K. comparison pics.

1 comment:

  1. She did a good job. It was tastefully done! As Dame Elizabeth once said, "big girls need big diamonds!"
